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Posts from The Pup

Pet Dangers to Avoid for a Hoppy Easter

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Holidays Safety

Pet Dangers to Avoid for a Hoppy Easter

Easter is quickly hopping its way on over to us. And with the holiday comes plenty of candy, gift baskets, and bunnies. As we await this happy, cheer filled celebration, let’s enjoy the hidden Easter eggs, and avoid the hidden pet dangers.  While enjoying your day, keep in mind the following hazards to your dog or cat:  Chocolate  Chocolate is a known no-no in the pet world. Harmful to animals, especially, dogs, this sweet is a common, popular candy for every occasion. Especially holidays like Easter. However, it contains the substance theobromine, which is particularly prominent in dark chocolate. Consuming...

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Introducing Pets to a Significant Other

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life

Introducing Pets to a Significant Other

During your lifetime, you’ll have two puppy loves. One being your significant other, and the other being … your puppy (or kitten)! But if all goes well, it’ll come to a point when your two loves will eventually have to meet. After all, it is extremely important that your family approves of your boyfriend or girlfriend! That’s your beloved pooch and kitty’s approval included! Your pet may be well socialized and naturally friendly towards new people, but that can change when their owner suddenly starts giving more attention to someone they aren’t familiar with, especially if that someone comes into...

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New Puppy Chewing

All Posts Family Life Puppies Safety

New Puppy Chewing

Why Your Pup is a Chewing Machine Torn up flip flops, chewed up sneaker laces, and dented chair legs. Who’s the culprit? Your new puppy. When you first welcomed the pup into your family, you prepared yourself with the essentials: food, treats, a bed, pee pads, bowls, etc. But most people don’t prepare themselves, or their household, for the wrath of your furry friend’s chompers. But why exactly does this happen? Is there a reason they’re suddenly set on chewing everything in sight? Is there a way to stop or prevent the loss of any more shoes or furniture items?...

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"Adopt, Don't Shop"

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Pet Adoption

"Adopt, Don't Shop"

When welcoming a new pet into the family, the first step taken in choosing your companion is figuring out exactly where you’ll go to find them. This is where the known catch-phrase “Adopt, Don’t Shop” comes in. The phrase has come to be used by a lot of people, but especially by animal rights activists due to its original intention and meaning. It comes loaded with a serious and clear implication that there’s one answer that best resolves the question of where to find your new pet. What is that answer? Shelters and rescue groups.  “Adopt, Don’t Shop” is a...

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Grieving the Loss of a Pet

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life

Grieving the Loss of a Pet

Grieving a Pet Pets are often referred to as our companions. And there’s no term that could better describe the role that they play in our lives than that. As companions, pets have been by your side through many of the ups and downs, highs and lows, trials, adventures, and celebrations of life. Simply put, they’re a part of the family. That’s why The Hungry Puppy understands how difficult it is to accept and grieve the loss of a pet. The healing process may not come easily, but that’s why we, along with professionals, loved ones, and those going through...

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What To Do If You Find a Loose Dog

All Posts Dogs Family Life Safety

What To Do If You Find a Loose Dog

How to Lead a Loose Dog to Safety Finding a stray or loose dog may leave you in a stressful and confusing situation, but you may be the animal’s only chance at reaching safety or being reunited with their rightful owner. If you find yourself being the one to spot a lost pooch, don’t shy away from trying to help. There are certain steps you can take to keep them safe and protected. Approach the Dog. In order to do the subsequent steps, you must first be able to appropriately approach the dog. Do not immediately run up to them,...

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Running with Rover

All Posts Dogs Family Life Safety

Running with Rover

A lot of people enjoy taking time out of their day to get in some form of exercise. For many, it’s running. Running is a great way to get your body moving while also soaking in new sights and scents. This holds true for dogs, too! Most pet owners are already familiar with what it looks like for pups to be zooming around the household or darting around the backyard, so why not experience it together? Running alongside your pooch can open up an entirely new bonding experience, while also meeting both your daily exercise needs. Getting Your Dog To...

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What Your Pet Sitter Should Know

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Safety

What Your Pet Sitter Should Know

Prepping Your Pet Sitter: What They Need To Know Finally bought the plane ticket to that resort you’ve always dreamed of vacationing to? Or maybe you got called down to another state for a business trip. Whether you’re embarking on an excursion for a fun time or because you have responsibilities to fulfill, you’ll always have the duty of making sure your pet is taken care of while you’re away. It won’t always be possible to take your companion along with you on a trip, which means it’s up to you to find a trustworthy pet sitter to take your...

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Hidden Dangers to Pets in Your Home

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Safety

Hidden Dangers to Pets in Your Home

Before taking home a new addition to the family, pet parents try to make sure the house is fully and completely ready for the arrival of a new dog or cat. From setting up a bed, buying toys, filling their food bowls, to putting up gates, laying out wee-wee pads, and covering the furniture. New pet parents’ minds swarm with what could be added to the house to make it as comfortable and welcoming as possible. But what about the things that should be taken out? What may seem like a harmless or staple item to the household for us,...

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Introducing Fur Babies and Newborn Babies

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Safety

Introducing Fur Babies and Newborn Babies

When you first got your new dog, it was from that moment on that you officially became a proud pet parent! You found yourself excitedly buying them all the necessary supplies and cutest accessories. But down the line, you may find yourself awaiting the moment that you become a parent to a newborn baby. The time to introduce your fur baby to your new baby will quickly approach, and you have exactly nine months to prepare your companion for this new and exciting transition in your lives. Dogs and cats all have very unique personalities and traits, so it’s not...

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Natural Disaster Plan for Pets

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Safety

Natural Disasters: Planning for Pets June may have been National Pet Preparedness Month, but determining a plan for how to best care for your pet in the case of a natural disaster should be done as quickly as possible no matter the season. After all, you never know when disaster will strike. Your pet fully and completely relies on you for everything. They’d need you to especially take care of them during an emergency, whether it’s a hurricane, wildfire, earthquake, tsunami, etc. It’s a terrifying time for the both of you, and it’s crucial that you plan ahead of time...

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7 New Year's Resolutions for You and Your Pet

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays Safety

7 New Year's Resolutions for You and Your Pet

With the New Year comes a clear slate, meaning you have the power to turn your days and habits into anything you want! This coming year, make your pet an active part of your day and an active part of your resolutions. Here’s a few things may want to plan and try out with your furry friend as 2021 gets closer:  Mindful Eating A great debate among pet parents is Timed Feeding vs. Free Feeding. Timed feeding is when your pet is fed at set times throughout the day and the food is only available to them for a limited...

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Staying Safe During the Holidays

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays Safety

Staying Safe During the Holidays

Christmas is right around the corner! And you know what that means. Gifts, hot cocoa, stockings, tinsel, freshly baked cookies, fuzzy socks, and the fresh, soft snow falling around us. Tis the season to be jolly, but also tis the season to be on the lookout for hidden pet dangers. Give them cuddles, treats, toys, and love - not unexpected recipes for disaster.  Here are some of the Christmas staples that people enjoy, but can be of risk to our beloved pets:  Tree Decorations  If decorating the tree for Christmas is a tradition for your family, your pet may want...

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Back to School Blues in Pets

All Posts Anxious Pets Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Holidays

Back to School Blues in Pets

Days spent wading in the pool, digging in the sand, and roasting marshmallows are slowly coming to an end, and are soon to be replaced by days spent sitting in the classroom learning some new lessons. It’s back to school season! To your surprise, you might not be the only one kicking and screaming at the thought of returning. Your pet may be, too.   Back to school blues are a very real thing for companion animals. Afterall, they’ve had a whole summer to get used to around the clock attention and endless cuddles, walks, grooming, etc! Such a transition can...

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Potential Pet Dangers on the Fourth of July

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays Safety

Potential Pet Dangers on the Fourth of July

When we think of the holiday of the summer, our mind automatically springs to the Fourth of July! A day filled with family, friends, good food, fireworks, and maybe even a dip in the pool. There’s a lot for people to love! But for pets, the Fourth of July can actually be quite dangerous. That doesn’t mean your furry friend can’t join in on the fun, just be aware of the potential hazards of the celebration. Fireworks Fireworks are a sight for sore eyes, making them a Fourth of July staple. Watching them is so mesmerizing that it can equally...

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How to Make an Outdoor Cat House for Winter

All Posts Cats Family Life Health & Wellness Holidays

How to Make an Outdoor Cat House for Winter

The following article is from Wellness Pet Food's Live Well Blog: As we approach the winter season, the days will get shorter and the temperatures will get colder. Cats might be resourceful, but they still need shelter when the temperatures drop. When the temperatures get really cold, cats can suffer from frostbite or hypothermia. Their fur coats sometimes simply aren’t enough to keep them warm. Outdoor Shelters for Community or Stray Cats Building an outdoor cat house for kitties can keep your feline friends safe and warm during the coldest part of the year. You might want to build an...

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Benefits of Pet Ownership

All Posts Birds Cats Chickens Dogs Family Life Horses

Benefits of Pet Ownership

Most people would agree that owning a pet is a positive experience. But did you know that there are actual health benefits to pet ownership? The bond between people and their pets is a mutually beneficial relationship. According to the CDC, this bond can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners.  Pet ownership increases the opportunities to exercise. Whether it's taking your dog for a walk or playing with them in the yard, your body is moving. This activity can also lead to a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  Pets also provide their owners with social...

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Dog Park Etiquette

All Posts Dogs Family Life Safety

Dog Park Etiquette

One of everyone’s favorite outdoor activities with their pup is going to the dog park! Dog parks are wonderful – they provide our pups with a place to socialize with other dogs while letting out some pent-up energy. To have the best dog park experience, here are some dos and don’ts you should follow. Do pay attention to your dog. Don’t just let your dog free in the park and go sit in the corner on your phone. Even if you are a dog park veteran, it’s important to pay attention to your dog, their behavior, and their surroundings. You’ll be...

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Walking in a Winter Wonderland

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Walking Dogs in a Winter Wonderland As people start trading in their tank tops for flannels and parkas and their shorts for jeans and sweatpants, many pet parents wonder if there’s something they should be doing to prep their fur babies for the cold winter months ahead. Your pet may not require a flannel or sweatpants (though they’re definitely out there for pets if you search hard enough), but will they require a winter coat or boots?  Consider the following in deciding if a coat or shoes will be necessary for your pooch this winter. Size Smaller dogs and miniature/toy...

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Happy Howl-O-Ween!

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays Safety

Happy Howl-O-Ween!

Happy Howl-O-Ween! Halloween is right around the corner, and along with it comes the trick or treaters, the steady stream of candy, the festive decorations, and the creative costumes! This sounds like every child and Halloween enthusiast’s treat, but it can quickly turn into a tricky nightmare for unprepared pets. Leave the mischief and mysteriousness of the holiday up to the haunted houses, horror movies, and the neighborhood children wondering what candy they’ll receive. Don’t let your dog or cat’s health remain a mystery to be solved this Halloween. Instead, be aware of the possible pet dangers around All Hallows’...

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Keep Calm this 4th of July

All Posts Anxious Pets Cats Dogs Family Life Holidays Safety

Keep Calm this 4th of July

  Fireworks and the 4th of July go hand-in-hand. However, the same can't be said for many of our pets. Fireworks can be dangerous for our pets. Aside from the risk of injury, some pets do not react well to the sights and sounds of fireworks. Many pets experience anxiety when it comes to loud noises like fireworks. There is a rise in the number of dogs that run away during firework season, especially on the 4th of July. For this reason it is best to keep your pets safe inside during this time. While they're inside, they still may...

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Traveling with Pets

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Safety

Traveling with Pets

  Traveling with Toto Knowing you’re about to go on a fun vacation and get away from the daily routine of the household is a fun and exciting time! But what you can’t get away from is the question of who’s going to hold down the fort while you’re gone? Will you need someone to collect your mail? Someone to water your plants? More importantly, do you have a pet that needs to be taken care of? You have several options for how your pet situation can be handled when you’re about to leave for a trip. Fido can be...

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Dealing with Picky Eaters

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Pet Food & Feeding

Dealing with Picky Eaters

You’ve got a picky eater, we’ve got some solutions! Some dogs love to eat – they’ll eat anything and everything. Other dogs … not so much. If you’ve got a picky eater at home – have no fear! Put down those homemade gourmet dinners for Fido and check out the following tips for fussy eaters.   Change the flavor of your dog’s current foodMany dog food brands offer a variety of flavors or formulas. If your dog seems to be losing interest in their current food, switching up the flavor may do the trick in making them interested in the...

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Spay and Neuter Awareness Month

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness

Did you know that February is Spay & Neuter Awareness Month? It’s also Prevent a Litter Month, and the two go hand-in-hand! Pets.WedMD states spaying involves removing the ovaries and uterus of a female pet. Neutering is the process of removing the testicles of a male pet. These procedures are the only way to truly prevent a pet from reproducing. According to the ASPCA, pet homelessness is a big problem in the United States. Humane states that every year, 6-8 million homeless animals enter animal shelters. Only about half get adopted. The other half are euthanized due to overcrowding. Spaying or neutering...

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Pet Beds

All Posts Cats Dogs Family Life

Pet Beds

Pet Beds: More Than Just A Box One of the biggest joys of having a pet is always having a reliable cuddle buddy. Someone to snuggle up to in bed and keep you company while you both start to doze off. While that’s certainly an advantage of having a pet, there’s no harm in purchasing your companion a bed of their own! In fact, there are plenty of reasons why you should - because they need more than just a box! Dogs and cats sleep 12 - 14 hours a day, so it’s only natural that they have a luxurious,...

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Bird Feeders

All Posts Birds Family Life

Bird Feeders

Choosing and Squirrel Proofing Bird Feeders As Stephen King once said, “Some birds are not meant to be caged.” These would be wildbirds. The birds that though they can’t or shouldn’t be domesticated, doesn’t mean they aren’t spectacular to watch from a distance. An abundance of people enjoy simply observing birds and knowing that they pay visits to their backyard. If you’re one of these people and are looking for a way to attract more birds to your yard, bird feeders are a surefire way to do it. Whether you’re looking to lure in a specific species, like Cardinals, Robins,...

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Collars, Harnesses, and Leashes - Oh My!

All Posts Dogs Family Life Puppies Safety

Collars, Harnesses, and Leashes - Oh My!

There are many different types of collars, harnesses, and leashes on the market for our four-legged friends. But how do you know which is the best for your dog? The choices can be overwhelming, but knowing what you’re looking for in terms of your needs can make it a lot easier! COLLARS  Let’s start with collars. Collars go around a dog’s neck. They are usually used with a leash and can be used to hold any ID tags your dog may have. Traditional collar – a traditional collar either buckles or snaps around a dog’s neck. They are made from...

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Burn Baby Burn - Preventing Lawn Burns from Urine

All Posts Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness

Burn Baby Burn - Preventing Lawn Burns from Urine

If you have a dog and you have a lawn, chances are you have experienced a lawn with brown, burnt, or dead patches. These spots are due to – you guessed it – dog urine. No one wants their lawn to look like this. But in order to fix the problem we must first understand it. Why does lawn burn occur? Lawn burn is caused by the nitrogen in dog urine. According to Doctors Foster and Smith, because dogs are carnivores they have high levels of protein in their diet. Their bodies break down the protein and excrete it in...

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Housebreaking Essentials

All Posts Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness Puppies

Housebreaking Essentials

Everyone loves a new puppy. A new member of the family to welcome in and spoil endlessly with cuddles, treats, toys, and more! One that will give you constant attention, loyalty, and company. What’s not to love?

For some, it’s the process of housebreaking. Along with your pup comes all of their basic needs, like using the bathroom. They can’t help it, of course. Your new dog isn’t quite sure where its designated spot for elimination is yet. But you can’t seem to help but prepare yourself to lose a couple rugs or shoes in the process! That’s why housebreaking at an early age is essential. You have to train your companion where exactly they are allowed to relieve themselves. This not only saves you a few pieces of furniture and extra time from cleaning up, but it helps your furry friend to become more obedient and respectful of the home.

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Choosing a Seed to Feed

All Posts Birds Family Life

Choosing a Seed to Feed

Wild Birds: Choosing a Seed to Feed When choosing what products to fill up your backyard bird feeders with, it’s easy to grab a bag of mixed seeds and ingredients. While it’s super convenient to grab that already prepped bag, take a look at some of the specific seeds and ingredients that are included in the package. By learning about what’s inside, you have a better chance of knowing what birds need to survive and what type of foods they may be more attracted by. Types of Wild Bird Seed Black Oil Sunflower  Black Oil Sunflower seeds attract a wide...

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Dog Days of Summer

All Posts Dogs Family Life Holidays Pet Food & Feeding

Dog Days of Summer

Hot Dog Days of Summer On hot summer days, nothing feels better than seizing the day and taking advantage of the sunshine and warm weather. It's the perfect time to do everything you've been waiting to do, whether it be getting active, going for a dip in the pool, or visiting your favorite outdoor locations. The best part of it all is that your pet can join you! If your pooch has been cooped up in the house and unable to visit their favorite puppy parks due to the snowy winter days or rainy spring skies, now is the time...

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Cock-A-Doodle-Do You Know What Chickens Eat?

All Posts Chickens Family Life Pet Food & Feeding

Cock-A-Doodle-Do You Know What Chickens Eat?

Picking Poultry Diets & Supplements When people think of poultry, the first thing that tends to come to mind is the delicious food that they produce. The eggs we have for breakfast made by the chickens, the turkeys raised for meat. Or maybe you have them simply as companion animals and friends!  But in order for them to live long, healthy lives by your side and in effect produce the food you need, you have to make sure the poultry is being taken care of, too! This starts by feeding them a well balanced diet that contains all the nutrients...

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No Time Like Playtime

All Posts Dogs Family Life Health & Wellness

No Time Like Playtime

5 Types of Toys for 5 Types of Dogs Mealtime, bedtime, potty time. These are all important parts of you and your canine’s day, but without a doubt, your dog’s favorite will always be playtime!  Playtime is of the utmost importance in your dog’s day to day life for several reasons. Firstly, it provides them with much needed physical activity. Whether the toy gets your dog biting, running, chasing, pulling, or jerking, they’re all great ways of allowing your dog to stretch and strengthen their muscles, as well as practice their agility skills. Some even provide your dog with the...

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Crates vs. Carriers

All Posts Anxious Pets Dogs Family Life

Crates vs. Carriers

Crates vs. Carriers Crates and carriers are two of the smartest, most useful purchases you could possibly make during your time as a pet parent. Now this might come as a surprise to some people. Two different purchases? Crates and carriers are often used synonymously or interchangeably in the pet world. This is understandable since both of them fall under the category of “kennel,” which is any place that animals are kept. Both falling under the same general term, they are naturally going to be similar in a lot of aspects, but there are some key characteristics between the two...

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Most Recent Posts from The Pup

Pet Dangers to Avoid for a Hoppy Easter →

April 01, 2023

Easter is quickly hopping its way on over to us. And with the holiday comes plenty of candy, gift baskets, and bunnies. As we await this happy, cheer filled celebration, let’s enjoy the hidden Eas...
Introducing Pets to a Significant Other →

February 14, 2023

During your lifetime, you’ll have two puppy loves. One being your significant other, and the other being … your puppy (or kitten)! But if all goes well, it’ll come to a point when your two loves w...
New Puppy Chewing →

December 03, 2022

Why Your Pup is a Chewing Machine Torn up flip flops, chewed up sneaker laces, and dented chair legs. Who’s the culprit? Your new puppy. When you first welcomed the pup into your family, you prepa...
"Adopt, Don't Shop" →

October 04, 2022

When welcoming a new pet into the family, the first step taken in choosing your companion is figuring out exactly where you’ll go to find them. This is where the known catch-phrase “Adopt, Don’t S...
Grieving the Loss of a Pet →

July 01, 2022

Grieving a Pet Pets are often referred to as our companions. And there’s no term that could better describe the role that they play in our lives than that. As companions, pets have been by your si...
What To Do If You Find a Loose Dog →

June 01, 2022

How to Lead a Loose Dog to Safety Finding a stray or loose dog may leave you in a stressful and confusing situation, but you may be the animal’s only chance at reaching safety or being reunited wi...
Running with Rover →

March 05, 2022

A lot of people enjoy taking time out of their day to get in some form of exercise. For many, it’s running. Running is a great way to get your body moving while also soaking in new sights and scen...
What Your Pet Sitter Should Know →

February 01, 2022

Prepping Your Pet Sitter: What They Need To Know Finally bought the plane ticket to that resort you’ve always dreamed of vacationing to? Or maybe you got called down to another state for a busines...
Hidden Dangers to Pets in Your Home →

November 10, 2021

Before taking home a new addition to the family, pet parents try to make sure the house is fully and completely ready for the arrival of a new dog or cat. From setting up a bed, buying toys, filli...
Introducing Fur Babies and Newborn Babies →

October 01, 2021

When you first got your new dog, it was from that moment on that you officially became a proud pet parent! You found yourself excitedly buying them all the necessary supplies and cutest accessorie...
Natural Disaster Plan for Pets →

September 01, 2021

Natural Disasters: Planning for Pets June may have been National Pet Preparedness Month, but determining a plan for how to best care for your pet in the case of a natural disaster should be done as...
7 New Year's Resolutions for You and Your Pet →

December 30, 2020

With the New Year comes a clear slate, meaning you have the power to turn your days and habits into anything you want! This coming year, make your pet an active part of your day and an active part...
Staying Safe During the Holidays →

December 01, 2020

Christmas is right around the corner! And you know what that means. Gifts, hot cocoa, stockings, tinsel, freshly baked cookies, fuzzy socks, and the fresh, soft snow falling around us. Tis the sea...
Back to School Blues in Pets →

August 10, 2020

Days spent wading in the pool, digging in the sand, and roasting marshmallows are slowly coming to an end, and are soon to be replaced by days spent sitting in the classroom learning some new less...
Potential Pet Dangers on the Fourth of July →

July 01, 2020

When we think of the holiday of the summer, our mind automatically springs to the Fourth of July! A day filled with family, friends, good food, fireworks, and maybe even a dip in the pool. There’s...
How to Make an Outdoor Cat House for Winter →

January 09, 2020

The following article is from Wellness Pet Food's Live Well Blog: As we approach the winter season, the days will get shorter and the temperatures will get colder. Cats might be resourceful, but ...
Benefits of Pet Ownership →

January 08, 2020

Most people would agree that owning a pet is a positive experience. But did you know that there are actual health benefits to pet ownership? The bond between people and their pets is a mutually be...
Dog Park Etiquette →

December 29, 2019

One of everyone’s favorite outdoor activities with their pup is going to the dog park! Dog parks are wonderful – they provide our pups with a place to socialize with other dogs while letting out ...
Walking in a Winter Wonderland →

November 10, 2019

Walking Dogs in a Winter Wonderland As people start trading in their tank tops for flannels and parkas and their shorts for jeans and sweatpants, many pet parents wonder if there’s something they ...
Happy Howl-O-Ween! →

October 15, 2019

Happy Howl-O-Ween! Halloween is right around the corner, and along with it comes the trick or treaters, the steady stream of candy, the festive decorations, and the creative costumes! This sounds ...
Keep Calm this 4th of July →

June 29, 2019

  Fireworks and the 4th of July go hand-in-hand. However, the same can't be said for many of our pets. Fireworks can be dangerous for our pets. Aside from the risk of injury, some pets do not reac...
Traveling with Pets →

June 10, 2019

  Traveling with Toto Knowing you’re about to go on a fun vacation and get away from the daily routine of the household is a fun and exciting time! But what you can’t get away from is the question ...
Dealing with Picky Eaters →

May 12, 2019

You’ve got a picky eater, we’ve got some solutions! Some dogs love to eat – they’ll eat anything and everything. Other dogs … not so much. If you’ve got a picky eater at home – have no fear! Put d...
Spay and Neuter Awareness Month →

February 10, 2019

Did you know that February is Spay & Neuter Awareness Month? It’s also Prevent a Litter Month, and the two go hand-in-hand! Pets.WedMD states spaying involves removing the ovaries and uterus...
Pet Beds →

October 09, 2018

Pet Beds: More Than Just A Box One of the biggest joys of having a pet is always having a reliable cuddle buddy. Someone to snuggle up to in bed and keep you company while you both start to doze o...
Bird Feeders →

September 11, 2018

Choosing and Squirrel Proofing Bird Feeders As Stephen King once said, “Some birds are not meant to be caged.” These would be wildbirds. The birds that though they can’t or shouldn’t be domesticat...
Collars, Harnesses, and Leashes - Oh My! →

September 04, 2018

There are many different types of collars, harnesses, and leashes on the market for our four-legged friends. But how do you know which is the best for your dog? The choices can be overwhelming, but...
Burn Baby Burn - Preventing Lawn Burns from Urine →

May 13, 2018

If you have a dog and you have a lawn, chances are you have experienced a lawn with brown, burnt, or dead patches. These spots are due to – you guessed it – dog urine. No one wants their lawn to l...
Housebreaking Essentials →

November 10, 2017

Housebreaking Essentials Everyone loves a new puppy. A new member of the family to welcome in and spoil endlessly with cuddles, treats, toys, and more! One that will give you constant attention, l...
Choosing a Seed to Feed →

September 04, 2017

Wild Birds: Choosing a Seed to Feed When choosing what products to fill up your backyard bird feeders with, it’s easy to grab a bag of mixed seeds and ingredients. While it’s super convenient to g...
Dog Days of Summer →

June 18, 2016

Hot Dog Days of Summer On hot summer days, nothing feels better than seizing the day and taking advantage of the sunshine and warm weather. It's the perfect time to do everything you've been waiti...
Cock-A-Doodle-Do You Know What Chickens Eat? →

April 12, 2016

Picking Poultry Diets & Supplements When people think of poultry, the first thing that tends to come to mind is the delicious food that they produce. The eggs we have for breakfast made by the...
No Time Like Playtime →

April 05, 2016

5 Types of Toys for 5 Types of Dogs Mealtime, bedtime, potty time. These are all important parts of you and your canine’s day, but without a doubt, your dog’s favorite will always be playtime!  Pl...
Crates vs. Carriers →

March 10, 2016

Crates vs. Carriers Crates and carriers are two of the smartest, most useful purchases you could possibly make during your time as a pet parent. Now this might come as a surprise to some people. T...